The world of cloth diapering is littered by many different abbreviations and can be very confusing at first, here is a list of common abbreviations.
AIO-All in one
Aplix: brand of hook and loop, similar to velcro
BSWW-Bummis Super Whisper Wrap
CD: Cloth diaper
CPF: Chinese Prefold
DSQ: Diaper Service Quality
FB: Fuzzi Bunz
FOE: Fold Over Elastic
GMD: Green Mountain Diapers
HH: Happy Heiny's
IPF: Indian Prefold
IV:Imse Vimse
KL: Kissaluv
ME: Motherease
MF: Microfiber OR Microfleece
OS: One Size
PUL: Polyurethane Laminate
SB: Swaddlebees
SC: Suedecloth
SEZ: Snap E-Z
UCPF: Unbleached chinese prefold
UIPF: Unbleached Indian Prefold
If you have any other abbreviations you are not sure of the meaning to feel free to comment or email.